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Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum ,  Maternity tree

Ballarat-Maryborough Road,, TALBOT VIC 3371 - Property No T11177

Outstanding size Curious growth form Aboriginal culture This tree is known as the 'Aboriginal Maternity Tree' and is believed to be about 700 years old.Until 1840, there were many Aborigines, the Jajawurrong,living in the district, and Aboriginal law required mothers-to-be to leave family and community when birth was imminent. The tree has a hollowed out cavity which was usedfor shelter. This tree is located on the roadside, 0.3km from Maryborough Road, on the ... more



Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

19-21 Glenard Drive, EAGLEMONT VIC 3084 - Property No T11735

Contribution to landscape An old tree, part of the original vegetation. Located in the front garden of a house designed by Walter Burley Griffin and since owned by his son. The house is classified by the National Trust and was built to complement the tree. Measurements: 12/1982 Spread (m): 17 Girth (m): 5 Height (m): 21 Estimated Age (yrs): 300 Condition: Fair Measurements: 17/10/2010 Spread (m): EW 16 NS 17 Girth(m): ... more



Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

Reedy Lakes (Keys Point) , , BARMAH VIC 3639 - Property No T11986

Horticultural value Outstanding size This tree is located between Long Plain Track and Gulf Track and north of Gower's Track in the Barmah Forest Known as 'Munro's Pile', this outstanding specimen of "forest' Red Gum,is significant for its height (second only to 'Code's Pile')and straight branchless trunk to a height of 28.8m. The tree was struck by lightning in 1979 leaving a dark scar and roughened bark. A nearby tree is dead possible due to lightning. This tree ... more



Eucalyptus camaldulensis


Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

Cnr Princes Highway and Collins Street,, WINCHELSEA VIC 3241 - Property No T11251

Aboriginal culture This is an attractive specimen of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in good condition and located on the east side of Collins Street approximately 14 metres from the highway. On the south-eastside of the trunk is a shield shaped scar measuring 1.25m long x 0.4m wide sited just above ground level. Measurements: 08/1986 Spread (m): 26 Girth (m): 5.5 Height (m): 25 Estimated Age (yrs): 250 Condition: ... more



Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

31 Glenard Drive, HEIDELBERG VIC 3084 - Property No T11740

Contribution to landscape Particularly old Associated with Aboriginal activities An ancient tree bearing 5 definite scars and another 2 probable scars made by local aboriginals. The tree died in 1988 but was not removed until 1992 when advice was given that it posed a threat to life and property. Measurements: 12/1982 Spread (m): 16 Girth (m): 5 Height (m): 18 Estimated Age (yrs): 200 Condition: Removed Access: ... more



Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

Sand Ridge Road, BARMAH VIC 3639 - Property No T11987

Horticultural value Outstanding size Locatedand signposted on the east side of the road , near the junction of Swag Creek and Little Budgee Creek in the Barmah Forest. This tree is known as 'Code's Pile', and is the tallest example of the species in Victoria. A feature of the tree is its smooth straight trunk branchless to 24.7 m. The crown is predominantly on the west side and is an outstanding specimen of 'forest' Red Gum. Seed from this tree has been planted at the ... more



Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum


Remnant (Scientific) Unusual (Aesthetic) This tree is significant at a Regional level as for its unusual form, with a substantial lateral trunk over 4 metres in circumference. This tree is on an ephemeral tributary of Hovells Creek and is remnant native vegetation. Measurements: 2015 Spread (m): 25.3 N/S, 27.3 E/W Girth (m): 9.19 Height (m): 15 Estimated Age (yrs): 250+ Condition: Good Access: ... more



Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

Wonwondah Reserve, , WONWONDAH VIC 3400 - Property No T11273

Curious growth form This tree is large and majestic looking example of the species which has developed an upright crown. The tree is notable for a very unusual natural graft forming two circles near the main trunk. The large gall formations on the trunk also give added interest. The tree is located 100 m off entrance road across Norton Creek, 200m west of the Public Hall. Measurements: 10/1981 Spread (m): 17 Girth (m):5.7 Height (m): 22.4 Estimated ... more



Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

Kew Golf Club, 120 Belford Road, KEW EAST VIC 3102 - Property No T11760

Historical value Located behind the 12th green on the banks of the Yarra River. This tree has been confirmed by the Surveyor-General as Robert Hoddle's reference point for his survey in 1844 of part of Melbourne's eastern suburbs. Despite this, the tree exhibits litte physical evidence of being a survey tree, apart from an apparent wound on the south side of the trunk. The tree is in good condition although adjacent erosion of the riverbank may cause instability of the ... more


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